How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Soccer Field | Conquer App

Tyler Nolan
Content Specialist
June 16, 2023

Renting a soccer field may seem like an intimidating task, but with some research and planning, it can be done relatively easily. The key is understanding all of your options and finding one that fits within your budget while still providing quality amenities that will make for an enjoyable experience for all involved. It's also important to consider additional fees such as parking, equipment rental or security services if needed. Additionally, certain times of year may require higher rates due to increased demand so factor this into any budget considerations when looking at potential venues. Lastly, multiple day rentals may come with discounts so inquire about these if applicable as well! With careful consideration of these points you'll have no trouble finding an ideal option for your next big game or tournament! Keep reading to find out how much it typically costs to rent a soccer field and what you can expect to pay.

Cost Factors


The cost of renting a soccer field can vary depending on a number of factors. One of the primary factors that can impact price is location. Soccer field rental fees can be higher in urban areas or popular destinations, such as tourist attractions or beach communities. On average, you can expect to spend anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour to rent a soccer field. However, it is important to note that prices can vary depending on location. Not only does location within a city matter, but the city itself in which it is located, for example, Indianapolis is different from New York which is different from Seattle, however, you can expect to see a similar range of fees across the board. 

Facility/Field Owners

Another factor that can impact soccer field rental prices is the organization that owns or manages the field. Many soccer fields are owned by local governments, schools, or community centers. This usually means there is a set price for field rental. However, some privately owned soccer fields may charge higher fees for their fields, particularly if they have high-end amenities. The Conquer App makes this easy by using organizers to gain players’ and attract them to specific venues/facilities in a revenue-sharing model. Making the communication effective and the price affordable regardless of the site in which the games are played.

Hours of Operation

If you are looking to rent a soccer field on a budget, you may be able to find a more affordable option by renting during off-peak times. Weekends and afternoons may be the most popular times for soccer field rental, and therefore, more expensive. Renting during the morning or weekdays might be a more affordable alternative. 

Length of Games

In addition to location and organization ownership, other factors that can impact soccer field rental rates include the season and length of rental. Many soccer fields are in high demand during peak seasons, such as summer and fall, which can drive up prices. Longer rentals, such as renting a field for the entire day or for multiple days, may also come at a higher cost. Conquer App makes it easy to specify the length and start times of these games so you do not get overcharged or hassled by facility owners. 

Ask Before You Play

If you are renting a soccer field for an event or tournament, it is important to ask about any additional fees or costs that may be associated with the rental. This could include fees for parking, equipment, or security. Make sure to read the rental agreement carefully and ask any questions you have beforehand. 

In Conclusion 

While the cost of renting a soccer field can vary depending on a number of factors, the average cost is somewhere between $50 to $200 per hour. When looking to rent a soccer field, it is important to consider factors such as location, time of year, and length of rental. With this information, you can make an informed decision about the best soccer field rental option for you. So, be sure to do your research and ask any questions you have beforehand to ensure you don’t have any unexpected surprises when it comes to payment. The Conquer App allows for players, organizers, and venues to make this a very easy and affordable process to play the most competitive and best games of pickup with your friends. Be sure to check out the app at


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