Conquer Version II - Announcing the Leaderboard

Louis Long
Co-Founder and CEO
February 28, 2023

January 22, 2023 - Tomorrow we release Conquer V2.

Our Leaderboard is a feature we've been working on for over a year and a major inspiration behind the name "Conquer". Games posted to the Conquer app will have an option to be "ranked" making them eligible for the Leaderboard. The photos below describe how it works.

The Conquer Leaderboard...

1. Raises the Stakes: Traditionally, league-play is the best way to get good competition because in a league, there is something on the line. The issue with leagues is that they are expensive, you need a team, and you need consistent availability which inhibits a lot of players from joining.

In every ranked game on Conquer, there are points up for grabs. You can both create and join games at times that work for you. Keep in mind, if you underperform, you will lose points.

2. Removes Politics from Sports: MVP votes are casted by other players in the game. Conquer doesn't care who you know or how much money you have. If you're a great player and you show up to a game and perform, you will be rewarded. Many of these ranked games will be free.

3. Data Collection: The Leaderboard will provide us with excellent data to optimally connect athletes. Using prior performance data and mathematical concepts like the transitive property, we’ll be able to make strong recommendations to teams and players. What teams they should be playing against, what games players should join, who they should play against, and splitting players into equal teams.

Players want low cost, convenience, community and competition.

Introducing Conquer V2. We'll see you out there.

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